Mechanic XG-Z40 10cc Syringe Solder Paste Flux Sn63/Pb37 25-45um Paste Tin Cream
Mechanic XG-Z40 10cc Syringe Solder Paste Flux Sn63/Pb37 25-45um Paste Tin Cream

Mechanic XG-Z40 10cc Syringe Solder Paste Flux Sn63/Pb37 25-45um Paste Tin Cream

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Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktage je nach Versandmethode

SKU: 82FA349F34


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Excellent wetting, high reliability.
Can effectively prevent the collapse of the printing and preheat.
Tack lasting, easy to dry, sticky time for more than 48 hours.
A colorless transparent, does not affect the test, fine-clean and cleaning performance.
Products wetting, anti-dry and strong, long shelf life at room temperature.